Frequently Asked Questions

Is Dental Implant Procedure Painful?

Dr. Lee does everything he can to make you as comfortable as possible. Depending on the procedure, you can elect to have IV sedation with local anesthesia. Many of patients opt for the IV sedation so they don’t feel anything during procedure. Afterwards, most of patients report that they experienced far less pain than anticipated.

Is IV sedation safe ?

IV sedation is very safe when carried out under the supervision of a specially-trained dentist. Dr. Lee has been specially-trained and certified for IV sedation and Dr. Lee has been doing IV sedation since 2010 and still counting.

My teeth are really bad shape. Am I still a candidate for dental implants?

Most people can safely receive dental implants. Even age is not necessarily a factor when determining implant placement. Whether you are missing one tooth or many, dental implants may be the best choice for you. Plus, Dr. Lee is very experienced in treating patients with complex cases that may even have been turned away by others. The best way to find out is to visit us for free consultation.

Is the dental implant procedure expansive ?

Thanks to advanced technology, the cost of dental implant is much less than before. We offer all inclusive-fee so that you won’t have to worry about any additional fee when you are being treated. We also offer different financing options so you can get right treatment such that it becomes very affordable.

How do I choose an implant dentist ?

The dentist you choose should be properly trained to diagnose and place implants. One way to ensure is to verify that they are accredited by the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) and American Board of Oral Implantology (ABOI)

What if I choose not to replace my missing teeth ? What are the risks?

When you lose teeth, your remaining teeth will shift, affecting your speech, bite, and ability to chew. More importantly, you will also lose the bone that supported the missing teeth, which can cause collapse of the facial structure as well as an increased risk of jaw fracture. Patients with multiple missing teeth also suffer from uneven bite force; therefore, remaining teeth will be damaged further and faster. The longer teeth are missing, the more difficult and expansive to restore them.

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