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Choosing the Right Dentist for Dental Implants

Do you have damaged or missing teeth? Dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss. They support adjacent teeth, re-establish your bite force, and enable your natural speech. Implants also help prevent bone loss when you lose your teeth. They're available in various shapes and sizes and can match the color of the rest of your teeth.

How Does IV Sedation Dentistry Work and Is It Right for You?

Most people dread the thought of visiting a dentist. Dental visits evoke thoughts of pain that are akin to torture. Admittedly, most dental procedures can be rather painful and many people avoid getting dental care even when it is necessary. Fortunately, dental experts have come up with effective ways to numb the pain. There are dental sedation techniques that can help patients to get the care they need without the associated pain and anxiety. 

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

Do you want whiter, brighter teeth? You aren’t alone. As many as 85% of adult Americans would like to improve the color of their smile, and fortunately, there are various options available to help you to do this.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

Wisdom teeth are the molars that emerge at the back of the mouth. They are the last teeth to appear in the mouth. Wisdom teeth do not have to be removed when they are correctly aligned and the gum tissue is healthy. However, this is not always the case.

Do I Need a Crown or a Filling?

Dental crowns and fillings are both excellent solutions for restoring stability and preserving damaged teeth. But some people are still confused about the difference between the two procedures. If you’re unsure whether you need a crown or a filling to reclaim your beautiful smile, read on to find out when each treatment is best suited to address a dental issue.

Dental Extraction Aftercare: Questions and Answers

No one looks forward to tooth extractions. No one wants an incomplete smile. Dental extractions, however, are sometimes necessary to ensure healthy teeth.

How Can I Improve Oral Health and Make My Gums Stronger?

A healthy mouth is not just about straight teeth or a bright smile; there is more. The health of your gums is a very important factor when it comes to overall oral health. Having white teeth with no cavities does not mean that you are protected from gum disease. Most people overlook gum health, and they have no idea that they have a problem. This is mainly because gum disease is often painless.

Aftercare Recommendations for Dental Implants

Dental implants have changed the way in which dental implant dentists can restore your smile. Dental Implants are a highly recommended solution for missing teeth and they are extremely successful in the vast majority of cases. As with any other sort of medical procedure, providing the right aftercare for your dental implants is essential.

TMJ Symptoms, Pain Relief and Treatment Options

TMJ disorder is actually very common, yet many people who suffer from it don’t realize that they actually have a real and treatable condition. It occurs when there are problems with the joints on either side of the head that connect the skull to the jaw. There’s lots of potential causes of TMJ disorder, from stress and orthodontic problems to bad habits and eating hard or chewy foods. Here’s what you need to know about how to recognize TMJ disorder and what you can do to help.

Benefits of Treating Tooth Loss With Dental Implants

Many Americans suffer from tooth loss. To help replace the lost teeth, removable dental appliances such as dental bridges and dentures are available. Although they help improve your oral health, they prove to be uncomfortable at times. Most patients prefer having dental implants. If you’re considering this solution, here’s what you should know about the benefits of treating tooth loss with dental implants.

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